About Me

Hi, I’m Lisa! I am the wife to an amazingly hardworking and supportive husband and the mom to a beautiful little girl and wild little boy. I am a blogger-at-heart, mommy-by-trade, and Jesus-follower-by-faith.

I began Mess into a Message after contracting a life-threatening infection after our daughter was born in the spring of 2012 that ended in a hysterectomy to save my life. Writing was an outlet for me…a place to pour out my emotions and begin to heal. A place to share how God has truly turned my “mess” into His glorifying message while instilling a peace in my heart and soul.

Since then, life has happened and God has taken our family on a journey we could have never imagined. From infertility, to IVF, to gestational surrogacy, to miscarriage, to grief and loss time and time again, and finally stepping into foster care and adoption. messintoamessagelogo

You can read My Story to find out more about the road that let us to infertility and how that has changed me and my heart.

I thank you so much for visiting Mess into a Message and invite you to subscribe so that you don’t miss out on any updates and happenings!

His will, His way…


2 Responses to “About Me

  • Just found your body through another blog that I follow, “Foster the Family.” I can’t wait to catch up on your posts and hear more about your journey.

    I too am a foster mom and have struggled with hormone inbalances and hashimotos that have led to secondary infertility. Not as dramatic as your story 😉

    Could you let me know how to follow your body? I can’t find a subscribe button!

  • Hi Jenny! I’m not sure why my subscribe button was missing! You should see the option to subscribe at the bottom of any page now! Thanks for following along!!

    So sorry to hear of your infertility…sigh, it’s a hard, confusing road!

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